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EOS Eagle Eye Proxy

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty!

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 0
Proxied EOS: 0
Total EOS: 0
Total EOS Decay: 0
Total EOS Decay Percent: 0.00%
Candidate Votes: 28
Proxied Accounts: 3

Voting Philosophy

All party of the EOS ecosystem are entitled to freely enjoy the services and proprietary rights of the EOS platform and are obliged to safely secure them. Therefore, I will exercise the voting rights to block producers who understand and comply with the following obligations and monitor them.
1. Duty to provide the environment for the growth of competitive dApp developers on a stable, high performing chain
2. Duty to actively participate in EOS governance with good values
3. Duty to comply with the constitution and the rules to fulfill maintaining the right of the all parties of the community.
4. Duty to present vision by coordinating various opinions of the community
I clearly declare that I will use the voting power for participating referendum.


The EOS mainnet launch demonstrated that the dPOS approach did not have technical problems with commercial use of the blockchain. However, complete governance is inadequate for the EOS platform to go one step further.

Due to loose surveillance by the community, certain BP's negligence has hindered actively responding to the damage cases. The main reason is the lack of reliable information of BP's policies and actions by community members, which is a high entry barrier to participation in community decision making.

I believe the mission of proxy is to act as an important bridge between the community parties and governance participation. I will demand BP to make regular activity report and transparently open to public for communication with the community and promise to implement it.

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
22 Aloha EOS US  
674 blockmatrix1 GB  
32 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
17 Detroit Ledger... US  
27 EOS Authority GB  
23 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
43 EOS42 DE  
33 EOSAmsterdam NL  
51 eosbixinboot
61 eoscafeblock CA  
676 eoscanadacom
7 eoscannonchn KY  
65 eosDAC CH  
69 eosDublin IE  
12 EOSeoul KR  
68 eosiomeetone SG  
20 eoslaomaocom
673 eosliquideos IL  
677 eosnewyorkio CK  
4 EOSphere AU  
679 eosswedenorg SE  
672 eostribeprod US  
16 Greymass CA  
77 hkeoshkeosbp HK  
90 libertyblock CA  
76 NodeONE☝️ KR  
73 sheos21sheos ES  
114 vote4scatter

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
s1a2p3a4z1z2 0.1100 0 98.40%
gyztsojzgmge 0.0301 0 95.15%
1eagle2eye3k 0.0100 0 95.15%