Support us by voting for alohaeosprod!


Reward the UNDERDOG BPs

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 24
Proxied EOS: 17,775
Total EOS: 17,799
Total EOS Decay: 14
Total EOS Decay Percent: 0.08%
Candidate Votes: 28
Proxied Accounts: 69

Voting Philosophy

We look past the top 10 Block Producers and vote for the most competent and committed UNDERDOGS. We rate EOS BPs: 1) Tech, 2) Team, and 3) Participation


Cooperation to bring wider adoption of EOS!

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
22 Aloha EOS US  
95 blocksmithio US  
67 costaricaeos CR  
29 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
97 csxcommunity DE  
678 cypherglasss US  
17 Detroit Ledger... US  
26 EOS Authority GB  
23 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
5 EOS Titan BG  
57 EOS42 DE  
33 EOSAmsterdam NL  
58 EOSArgentina AR  
61 eoscafeblock CA  
62 eosDAC CH  
68 eosDublin IE  
94 eosnairobike KE  
4 EOSphere AU  
679 eosswedenorg SE  
72 eosvenezuela VE  
2 GenerEOS AU  
15 Greymass CA  
78 hkeoshkeosbp HK  
80 jedaaaaaaaaa JP  
90 libertyblock CA  
71 sheos21sheos ES  
81 TokenPocket SG  

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
dphillippi33 7,079.8260 0 0.00%
ha3dknjrg4ge 1,401.0748 0 0.00%
guydkojqgege 1,020.8627 0 0.00%
ha3dmmbqgmge 733.4194 0 0.00%
ha3dsnjrhage 519.4807 0 0.00%
ha3dknjugyge 490.7624 0 0.00%
ha3tmnjugqge 376.8586 0 0.00%
haydaojrgage 376.8586 0 0.00%
haytsmrsguge 315.7312 0 0.00%
hazdamjsgage 315.7312 0 0.00%
haytsmbzgqge 313.6949 0 0.00%
g44tknbsgqge 280.0790 0 0.00%
montanawizzy 232.6727 0 0.00%
ha3dknjtgige 224.0463 0 0.00%
csxiocsxcorp 204.9768 0 0.00%
cooprativeos 204.6998 0 0.00%
quantumlover 196.5372 0 0.00%
ha3dkojxgyge 183.2981 0 0.00%
heytimbvhage 141.5286 0 0.00%
gi2dqnjzhage 138.9498 0 0.00%
heytgobzguge 135.4121 0 0.00%
heytimbwgqge 135.4120 0 0.00%
csxcommunity 123.7043 0 0.00%
heytgojxhage 115.0365 0 0.00%
heydimbxguge 113.0023 0 0.00%
ha3dmmbxgege 111.9766 0 0.00%
ha3tmnjuguge 111.9766 0 0.00%
haytsmrrgqge 111.9766 0 0.00%
jeremycrypto 111.9754 0 0.00%
heytgobsgige 103.8313 0 0.00%
ha4tsobqgege 101.7896 0 0.00%
ha4tsobthege 101.7896 0 0.00%
heytimrwg4ge 101.7896 0 0.00%
heytimbwgmge 101.7894 0 0.00%
heydimjugage 99.2449 0 0.00%
heydimjxgyge 96.7052 0 0.00%
heytimrwgyge 91.6135 0 0.00%
heytimrxgyge 91.6135 0 0.00%
heytimzvgege 91.6135 0 0.00%
heytinbvgyge 91.6135 0 0.00%
heytinbwguge 91.6135 0 0.00%
heytgobsgege 91.6134 0 0.00%
ha3tmnjwg4ge 91.6125 0 0.00%
heytinjxgqge 71.2378 0 0.00%
heytimrxhage 64.3537 0 0.00%
ha3dkojxhage 61.0486 0 0.00%
ha3dmmbqgyge 61.0480 0 0.00%
geometricala 51.8719 0 0.00%
ha3tmnjwgyge 50.8502 0 0.00% 42.6212 0 0.00%
krowntribe11 31.4952 0 0.00%
hezdgnrugmge 30.4770 0 0.00%
heytinbxhege 25.3852 0 0.00%
hezdmmbrg4ge 25.3111 0 0.00%
hezdmmbtgage 24.3720 0 0.00% 14.7115 0 0.00%
quantumparty 14.1708 0 0.00%
krownkrewe11 11.6369 0 0.00%
rebeccavogt1 10.2227 0 0.00%
gy4dcmbuguge 5.0239 5 94.46%
ha3dmmbqg4ge 5.0239 5 94.46%
kyprimoloves 3.0121 3 94.46%
gq4tsnzyhage 0.7175 1 89.77%
zerokaos1111 0.2100 0 97.99%
acapulcomex1 0.1100 0 98.48%
amichelina44 0.1100 0 98.48%
lovinglovlov 0.1100 0 97.15%
lukeutah3111 0.1100 0 98.50%
underdogs.m 0.0200 0 98.19%