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Promotion of Fair Trade on EOS by voting for Block Producers who provide living wages and support community efforts.
Establish a foundation of success and fair trade for all people on the network. Support for Fair Trade through proxy or donation.
Rank | Name | Country | |
23 | Aloha EOS | US | |
674 | blockmatrix1 | GB | |
93 | blocksmithio | US | |
67 | costaricaeos | CR | |
29 | CryptoLions🦁 | UA | |
677 | cypherglasss | US | |
20 | Detroit Ledger... | US | |
28 | EOS Authority | GB | |
2 | EOS Nation | CA | |
24 | EOS Rio 💙 | BR | |
57 | EOSArgentina | AR | |
60 | eoscafeblock | CA | |
675 | eoscanadacom | ||
17 | eoscannonchn | KY | |
61 | eosDAC | CH | |
68 | eosDublin | IE | |
15 | EOSeoul | KR | |
672 | eosliquideos | IL | |
667 | eosmetaliobp | ||
92 | eosnairobike | KE | |
676 | eosnewyorkio | CK | |
10 | EOSphere | AU | |
678 | eosswedenorg | SE | |
671 | eostribeprod | US | |
669 | eosvibesbloc | FR | |
1 | GenerEOS | AU | |
14 | Greymass | CA | |
76 | hkeoshkeosbp | HK | |
88 | libertyblock | CA | |
71 | sheos21sheos | ES |
Account | EOS | EOS Decay | % Decay |
tipitmanager | 10,021.4000 | 2,242 | 22.37% |
highsoftware | 1,000.0345 | 224 | 22.37% |
daveburrrulz | 980.3000 | 864 | 88.15% |
gu2denzwhage | 103.6590 | 102 | 98.07% |
gyzdmnrzgige | 57.8627 | 35 | 61.19% |
ge4dkobygqge | 11.0000 | 11 | 97.19% |
gy4dmnzxgige | 10.0000 | 10 | 97.19% |
karoshieos11 | 2.0000 | 2 | 86.28% |
tipitartists | 1.0000 | 1 | 97.12% |
keweihaiyan1 | 0.6677 | 1 | 96.61% |
eeoooooss21s | 0.2125 | 0 | 94.81% |
5g5jqs1bexuk | 0.2000 | 0 | 81.35% |
lewiesman531 | 0.2000 | 0 | 98.17% |