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Gain Gang Voter Proxy

We don't do no intros.

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 0
Proxied EOS: 16
Total EOS: 16
Total EOS Decay: 16
Total EOS Decay Percent: 98.04%
Candidate Votes: 30
Proxied Accounts: 5

Voting Philosophy

The Gain Gang DAG select and promote the best EOS Block Producers.


The world's first Decentralized Autonomous Gang: The Gain Gang is a community of crypto investors and enthusiasts. Crypto Feez started the #gaingang movement because he was tired of scammy YouTubers and boring crypto content. We have become YouTube’s first tokenized community. In this short time we have accomplished so much. This is an exciting time for the #gaingang, as we continue to grow our influence will become more prominent.

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
22 Aloha EOS US  
674 blockmatrix1 GB  
96 blocksmithio US  
32 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
678 cypherglasss US  
17 Detroit Ledger... US  
27 EOS Authority GB  
2 EOS Nation CA  
23 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
5 EOS Titan BG  
43 EOS42 DE  
61 eoscafeblock CA  
676 eoscanadacom
65 eosDAC CH  
69 eosDublin IE  
41 eosflareiobp US  
93 eosnairobike KE  
677 eosnewyorkio CK  
4 EOSphere AU  
143 eossandiego1
672 eostribeprod US  
110 eosukblocpro GB  
10 Everstake UA  
3 GenerEOS AU  
16 Greymass CA  
63 helloeoscnbp CN  
77 hkeoshkeosbp HK  
90 libertyblock CA  
73 sheos21sheos ES  
114 vote4scatter

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
ashacaldwell 8.0001 8 98.33%
ha3tonjvgene 6.0000 6 97.67%
ooweink.e 2.0200 2 98.09%
shawnadlee4l 0.0200 0 93.67%
gi3timbzhage 0.0007 0 95.52%