Support us by voting for alohaeosprod!

Greymass Proxy

Strong Network Infrastructure and Active Governance for EOS

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 4
Proxied EOS: 607,652
Total EOS: 607,656
Total EOS Decay: 14
Total EOS Decay Percent: 0.00%
Candidate Votes: 23
Proxied Accounts: 64

Voting Philosophy

We vote for BPs who bring value to the EOS ecosystem. Our focus is primarily on BPs whose value-add philosophy is similar to ours. Initially, we will be voting for BPs who add value in critical (and often under-appreciated) infrastructure areas-- wallets, APIs, history solutions, block explorers, etc. Later on, we’ll continue to add BPs that bring value in different ways. We’ll evaluate BP contributions on an ongoing basis to make sure that we are constantly voting for a full slate of BPs with varied contributions to the EOS network.


This is a proxy run by the Greymass block producer team.

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
22 Aloha EOS US  
67 costaricaeos CR  
32 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
17 Detroit Ledger... US  
79 donates2eden US  
27 EOS Authority GB  
2 EOS Nation CA  
23 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
18 EOS Support US  
5 EOS Titan BG  
43 EOS42 DE  
33 EOSAmsterdam NL  
58 EOSArgentina AR  
61 eoscafeblock CA  
12 EOSeoul KR  
20 eoslaomaocom
4 EOSphere AU  
10 Everstake UA  
3 GenerEOS AU  
16 Greymass CA  
77 hkeoshkeosbp HK  

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay 224,608.4274 0 0.00%
gezdgnrugage 218,879.3549 0 0.00%
jesta.x 122,396.7372 0 0.00%
guytcmbygyge 14,322.7335 0 0.00%
25yy3mvb1dgq 6,012.3877 0 0.00%
gq3dooagenes 5,032.3669 0 0.00%
gi4tsojwg4ge 4,143.4363 0 0.00%
he4dimbygene 2,838.1742 0 0.00%
lnsmyahyaeos 2,296.4325 0 0.00%
haytmmbsgige 1,990.3214 0 0.00%
exchangerbtc 1,570.7452 0 0.00%
gyydgnzugqge 1,007.6840 0 0.00%
jihenjihen12 682.1103 0 0.00%
ge3deobqgyge 357.4552 0 0.00%
gm4dmojtgige 277.3313 0 0.00%
gq2dknrzg4ge 163.2748 0 0.00%
parmadayeose 141.2731 0 0.00%
snowandsurf1 122.6909 0 0.00% 113.6700 0 0.00%
gq2tsmbygqge 101.8572 0 0.00%
ha2dmmjtgage 70.0003 0 0.00%
gq4demrqgmge 69.8552 0 0.00%
gleehokieeos 65.0005 0 0.00%
ge3dgnzxgene 64.3767 0 0.00%
gftma.x 52.8503 0 0.00%
g4ztmnrzgene 44.4485 0 0.00%
eosfiredance 36.2709 0 1.32%
tcdoverdrive 31.6402 0 1.32%
teammaerdian 30.4932 0 1.32%
gy3dkmrvgyge 24.2048 0 1.32%
hihaho12k22o 17.8050 0 1.32%
g44dmmbwguge 15.4597 0 1.32%
yoranasafeaa 11.0323 0 1.32%
thekat.ftw 10.2816 0 1.32%
gm3timrygqge 9.5105 0 1.32%
treenewbeeee 7.1002 0 1.32%
eyereeyes333 7.0002 0 1.32%
robertoedman 4.7110 0 1.32%
chuckfundeos 3.5002 0 1.32%
psylentsound 3.2828 0 1.32%
giztinrshege 2.0005 0 1.32%
eoswallet121 1.8868 2 93.58%
gu3daobyg4ge 1.6000 2 94.31%
developjesta 1.5879 2 95.81%
guydknjxgqge 1.3208 1 94.60%
13v34dtkeosd 1.0000 1 97.34%
appsappsapps 1.0000 1 96.92%
braziliangod 1.0000 1 61.70%
stevenababyy 1.0000 0 1.32%
crypto.eos 0.8000 1 94.23%
indieveloper 0.4000 0 92.57%
guzdcnbqg4ge 0.3144 0 94.15%
olsonhekmati 0.2000 0 94.23%
syamsularifa 0.2000 0 78.98%
ge4denrqg4ge 0.1533 0 53.84%
skeeboomusic 0.1100 0 96.08% 0.1080 0 54.45%
wmgb1qzhfujt 0.0774 0 59.60% 0.0501 0 93.32%
catpianodogs 0.0040 0 94.15%
gi3tenbugqge 0.0002 0 90.43%
3l5ov2tu232v 0.0001 0 91.95%
heydimbrguge 0.0001 0 97.91%
settingheard 0.0001 0 90.30%