Support us by voting for alohaeosprod!


MEET.ONE connecting users

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 0
Proxied EOS: 22,198
Total EOS: 22,198
Total EOS Decay: 5,271
Total EOS Decay Percent: 23.74%
Candidate Votes: 30
Proxied Accounts: 539

Voting Philosophy

Community Engagement,Technical Proficiency,Building Tools/Dapps for the Community,Education,Cooperation,Geographical location.


MEET.ONE is an EOS block producer candidate from Singapore. On June 15, 2018, MEET.ONE was successfully elected as one of genesis block producers.MEET.ONE is committed to the development of EOS ecology portal applications. In the past few months, MEET.ONE has offered the majority of the users outstanding EOS portal presentations to realize various functions of the EOS ecosystem. At the same time, we have established a huge EOS community and designed a series of incentive mechanisms to enable the community members to actively study, enlarge the EOS ecology and build a solid foundation of consent;In the future, we will initiate the MEET.ONE side chain, set up a foundation to screen and incubate outstanding Dapps in the EOS ecosystem, and become an incubator and filter for the EOS application ecology.Becoming a block producer was just the beginning. MEET.ONE never stopped its progress. We will contribute all our strength and work with EOS supporters around the world to build a healthy EOS ecosystem.

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
8 JP  
1 binancestake KY  
24 blockpooleos
72 DeFis Network SG  
27 EOS Authority GB  
2 EOS Nation CA  
5 EOS Titan BG  
43 EOS42 DE  
58 EOSArgentina AR  
78 eosbeijingbp JP  
61 eoscafeblock CA  
7 eoscannonchn KY  
41 eosflareiobp US  
15 eosflytomars JP  
31 eosinfstones
68 eosiomeetone SG  
20 eoslaomaocom
4 EOSphere AU  
60 eosrapidprod US  
40 eossv12eossv US  
679 eosswedenorg SE  
10 Everstake UA  
63 helloeoscnbp CN  
120 keycommunity KY  
6 Newdex KY  
76 NodeONE☝️ KR  
66 okcapitalbp1
25 slowmistiobp
14 starteosiobp
59 KR  

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
naggcb111122 15,267.4226 598 3.92% 2,030.3377 1,419 69.87%
eosiomeetone 590.7915 413 69.87%
gq2dqmjrgmge 457.2363 319 69.87%
g42tsobzg4ge 349.1953 244 69.87%
dewtothemoon 200.0001 140 69.87%
liquidincome 200.0000 196 98.04%
gm3dcobwgage 173.3541 2 1.32%
purpogau1234 164.4235 70 42.87%
333cuitongxi 157.0201 33 21.33%
richman12345 149.0202 104 69.87%
ge3dqnrvhage 140.4700 98 69.87% 117.9030 82 69.87%
wangcanlong1 77.1201 54 69.87%
gy2dcmzvgage 74.2093 52 69.87%
boats4floats 68.5323 48 69.87%
myeosrubicon 64.9881 19 29.29%
beyondxuyu52 62.1903 61 98.04%
gxstothemoon 54.9801 38 69.87%
sophieguan53 54.2002 38 69.87%
morewithdraw 50.0002 35 69.87%
eosliujiamin 44.8955 31 69.87%
eosbeachclub 43.4201 30 69.87%
torchesfrms5 40.4313 28 69.87%
haydsojsgqge 40.2027 28 69.87%
lxzabcd12345 38.2001 27 69.87%
justineos.m 37.6036 26 69.87%
nicetometyou 36.3734 25 69.87%
eosliuzhiboa 36.0201 25 69.87%
g44donzqgene 34.3014 24 69.87%
chenliuchina 31.0004 22 69.87%
eaglliu12345 26.0201 18 69.87%
singaporeeye 25.5009 18 69.87%
332133213321 24.2892 17 69.87%
liqunmeetone 24.0201 17 69.87%
hazdsnjvgqge 22.1342 15 69.87%
2eraff5v3fm2 21.3013 15 69.87%
gu4tcnrqguge 20.9352 15 69.87%
gege12341234 20.6001 14 69.87%
yanshiji1234 20.2901 14 69.87%
cpubugouyong 20.2002 14 69.87%
1111111111a1 20.0210 14 69.87%
g4ydqmrvgige 20.0002 14 69.87%
meetonehelp1 20.0001 14 69.87%
prishapatel1 20.0001 14 69.87%
maji11111111 19.0626 13 69.87%
eosabc111111 19.0201 13 69.87%
ge2tkojrgige 17.9991 13 69.87%
myprettygirl 17.6111 12 69.87%
ddllzz112233 16.1733 11 69.87%
ha3tenbzgqge 16.0103 11 69.87%
qymmonkey321 16.0001 11 69.87%
tkbl34234245 15.5516 11 69.87%
jingduola111 14.8259 10 69.87%
antidiluvian 14.0912 10 69.87%
jealousy1234 13.7119 10 69.87%
eoschain1234 13.2901 9 69.87%
bigone111111 12.2002 9 69.87%
jonathan1314 12.2001 9 69.87%
fhqlpfjy5555 12.1865 9 69.87%
powershow124 12.1001 12 98.28%
eoscausashen 12.0701 8 69.87%
g4zdenrugene 12.0001 8 69.87%
21marianna15 11.1001 8 69.87%
guytcnbrgage 11.0838 8 69.87%
meetonestake 11.0001 8 69.87%
daisydengyan 10.9588 8 69.87%
eostodamoons 10.8854 8 69.87%
123.w 10.5999 10 97.57%
xwfflyxwffly 10.5201 7 69.87%
bluesand3331 10.5102 7 69.87%
changsong123 10.5002 7 69.87%
xiaoyaya1234 10.3874 10 96.23%
gy3tomzxg4ge 10.3054 7 69.87%
stephenhicks 10.2701 7 69.87%
markxia12345 10.1101 7 69.87%
zhangchi1111 10.1101 7 69.87%
eosccb123123 10.0201 7 69.87%
aaaaaaaa3233 10.0102 7 69.87%
fortaeeos123 10.0002 7 69.87%
gm2donqgenes 10.0002 7 69.87%
didierdidier 10.0001 7 69.87%
zgeos5555555 10.0001 7 69.87%
margeer12345 9.9901 7 69.87%
echoqqlytang 9.3659 7 69.87%
gm2tkojrhege 8.8101 6 69.87%
ywbchinaeos1 8.6476 5 61.19%
lihaichao.m 8.2842 8 98.35%
hanmen111111 8.2306 6 69.87%
geytmobvgene 8.0587 6 69.87%
youtube55555 7.9461 6 69.87%
draplatereos 7.7201 5 69.87%
eoszhaoqi321 7.7001 5 69.87%
gu3dgnrwgqge 7.2001 5 69.87%
eoschinaxia1 7.0201 5 69.87%
jybfln521521 7.0001 5 69.87%
hbjmheqj1234 6.7001 5 69.87%
meetwei55555 6.4200 6 97.37%
frankkkkkkkk 6.3513 4 69.87%
futterschmie 6.3078 4 69.87%
shuzihuobiqb 6.2356 4 69.87%
wsqwsqwsqwsq 6.1818 4 69.87%
zhouyongjian 6.1101 4 69.87%
satoshi.e 6.0327 4 69.87%
antonio54321 6.0004 4 69.87%
gqztamztgige 6.0001 4 69.87%
santo1111111 6.0001 4 69.87%
beitaodedaye 5.9202 4 69.87%
eoszhouyifan 5.7101 4 69.87%
kwotyaco5nnx 5.5145 5 95.75%
aabigwolf.m 5.3102 4 69.87%
johnkuscheos 5.2005 3 52.60%
zzhaitong513 5.2001 4 69.87%
gy2dqobygyge 5.1701 4 69.87%
xuyin12jmsky 5.0701 4 69.87%
eosvc.e 5.0000 5 98.01%
jejesoymichu 4.6391 3 69.87%
nonzerosum42 4.5321 3 69.87%
gu2tsnjqguge 4.1762 3 69.87%
wenmengchang 4.1135 3 69.87%
securextrust 4.0400 3 69.87%
li5555555555 4.0209 2 57.39%
hhxx11141242 4.0201 3 69.87%
ebankofronxu 4.0001 3 69.87%
hfwgoodluck5 3.3278 2 69.87%
easonic12345 3.3202 3 94.23%
ichenfq12345 3.3108 2 69.87%
sxfsxf123451 3.2401 2 69.87%
hallomyeos33 3.2201 2 69.87%
heydqobsgage 3.2072 2 69.87%
meucly123455 3.1701 2 69.87%
mwaffpfw2ue4 3.1101 2 69.87%
ge3dmmbxhege 3.0985 2 69.87%
welovecasino 3.0202 2 69.87%
sleepthinker 3.0101 2 69.87%
dexterdanger 3.0001 2 69.87%
gy2tgojygyge 3.0001 2 69.87%
mycheetah123 3.0000 3 97.79%
qweewqasddsa 2.9484 2 69.87%
juerkerler22 2.9335 3 98.79%
lxhsz12345sz 2.6001 2 69.87%
huangxiujie5 2.5331 2 69.87%
mayishengxia 2.5148 2 69.87%
adespresseos 2.5077 2 69.87%
g44dsmbqhage 2.5001 2 69.87%
javascripter 2.4164 2 69.87%
zfjcsyz12345 2.4000 2 98.80%
haztqmjqgqge 2.3190 2 69.87%
gu3temzzg4ga 2.3101 2 69.87%
eosrenz12345 2.2998 2 69.87%
gqzdgobvgege 2.2538 2 69.87%
happyyyyyyyy 2.2011 2 69.87%
myscattereos 2.2009 2 98.26%
gy3dsmrqgege 2.2002 2 69.87%
songyidebaba 2.2001 2 69.87%
magicitmoney 2.2000 2 97.67%
deisembergia 2.1001 1 69.87%
gamemaster.x 2.0501 1 69.87%
dmitriprimal 2.0305 1 69.87%
131345qweasd 2.0304 1 69.87%
liyonghe1122 2.0202 1 69.87%
sjc111111115 2.0202 1 69.87%
adgjlxvn1234 2.0201 1 69.87%
fjleos113353 2.0201 1 69.87%
onebiggercat 2.0201 1 69.87%
songyuhao111 2.0201 1 69.87%
songyuhao113 2.0201 1 69.87%
songyuhao212 2.0201 1 69.87%
songyuhao551 2.0201 1 69.87%
songyuhao552 2.0201 1 69.87%
songyuhao553 2.0201 1 69.87%
songyuhao554 2.0201 1 69.87%
songyuhao555 2.0201 1 69.87%
bigzhou11111 2.0002 1 69.87%
vincentchen1 2.0002 1 69.87%
11211.e 2.0001 1 69.87%
chongqing234 2.0001 1 69.87%
gq3tmojzg4ge 2.0001 1 69.87%
heytamrvgyge 2.0001 1 69.87%
revoltbegins 2.0001 1 69.87%
tabascojamie 2.0001 1 69.87%
yhcgdnxinton 2.0001 1 69.87%
eosunderlock 2.0000 2 98.31%
xxxbankorxxx 2.0000 2 98.67%
g4ydgmzygyge 1.9910 1 69.87%
yangqingdeqb 1.8806 1 69.87%
vikishow2223 1.8801 1 69.87%
fshzjgzhf2dk 1.8396 1 69.87%
muramura1234 1.7683 2 98.56%
dreamlj12345 1.6105 1 69.87%
omnbmhwangxm 1.6009 1 69.87%
davinlee2322 1.5401 1 69.87%
guzdkmrvg4ge 1.5214 1 69.87%
alberteos125 1.5201 1 69.87%
gyzdkmjsgege 1.5001 1 69.87%
pingkaeos123 1.5000 1 98.92%
xfywch222222 1.4000 1 98.75%
eoszsw111111 1.3501 1 69.87%
aag555hg1514 1.3285 1 69.87%
lixiaojun123 1.3218 1 69.87%
mrsermon1235 1.3127 1 69.87%
eosdizhu1111 1.3001 1 69.87%
lcnbada12345 1.3001 1 69.87%
davinlee1551 1.2824 1 69.87%
xbjhtxbj1234 1.2632 1 69.87%
letsgooooooo 1.2201 1 69.87%
davinlee1322 1.2101 1 69.87%
vimercoukltd 1.2002 1 69.87%
zoroonepiece 1.2002 1 69.87%
wangqingyun3 1.2001 1 50.66%
ge3taojwgige 1.1881 1 69.87%
gq2dsojqguge 1.1697 1 69.87%
eoseos12345e 1.1201 1 69.87%
gy2donbvhage 1.1201 1 69.87%
dddcfzf13145 1.1101 1 69.87%
mcyeos111111 1.1101 1 69.87%
reallylovexk 1.1101 1 69.87%
zhengpei1234 1.1101 1 69.87%
eoszzbflower 1.0904 0 35.59%
haobao555555 1.0827 1 69.87%
ding44444444 1.0709 1 69.87%
chenheyoyo12 1.0501 1 69.87%
jacecross111 1.0501 1 69.87%
jacecross112 1.0501 1 69.87%
scale.x 1.0501 1 69.87%
suixingerwei 1.0501 1 69.87%
haytonbsgage 1.0262 1 69.87%
lin1234nolyn 1.0249 1 69.87%
zhaopeng1314 1.0229 1 69.87%
liyonghe1123 1.0202 1 69.87%
1111111111e1 1.0201 1 69.87%
eoshenan1111 1.0201 1 69.87%
leeyusnowy12 1.0201 1 69.87%
loveeos11111 1.0201 1 69.87%
steroidsliu1 1.0201 1 69.87%
eoseos334455 1.0001 1 69.87%
guydonbvgage 1.0001 1 69.87%
he2tgobxgene 1.0001 1 69.87%
omnamhashiva 1.0001 1 69.87%
yeshili12345 1.0001 1 69.87%
eoshuangkan1 0.9812 1 69.87%
haytgobrgege 0.9641 1 69.87%
prahenryast1 0.9450 1 69.87%
zhangweijin5 0.9401 1 69.87%
l52ip351dxnc 0.9246 1 69.87%
22eosqianbao 0.9201 1 69.87%
shironghui12 0.9201 1 69.87%
haydgnjwguge 0.9001 1 69.87%
haydcmjxg4ge 0.8811 1 69.87%
451111111111 0.8233 1 69.87%
abcloveu1314 0.8101 1 69.87%
yaoliang1234 0.8100 0 30.23%
gy4tknbugmge 0.8001 1 69.87%
111112131415 0.7600 1 98.26%
g4ytoojzgqge 0.7452 1 69.87%
wenhao521131 0.7193 1 98.46%
guojiafazhan 0.7101 0 69.87% 0.7001 0 69.87%
huanyongeos2 0.6963 1 95.40%
heydenjwgege 0.6883 0 69.87%
wuchen521314 0.6587 0 69.87%
s55555s55555 0.6459 1 98.35%
shhchsuibian 0.6277 0 69.87%
guojiewei333 0.6201 0 69.87%
lwfeoswallet 0.6200 1 97.08%
alibabaebank 0.6102 0 69.87%
greatbritatn 0.6102 0 69.87%
prawbyitotyt 0.6102 1 95.34%
beafrepublic 0.6101 0 69.87%
eosmeetone22 0.6001 0 69.87%
yhcgdnmeet11 0.6001 0 69.87%
zxy1yll2yzyx 0.6001 0 69.87%
ha2tsnzzgqge 0.5990 0 69.87%
w12345543211 0.5953 0 69.87%
333333111333 0.5601 0 69.87%
gqzdqobxgene 0.5466 0 69.87%
yupingwallet 0.5401 0 69.87%
emilkusin111 0.5367 0 69.87%
iwannagetyou 0.5201 0 69.87%
bbrruuccee32 0.5101 0 47.96%
pingtao12345 0.5101 0 69.87%
qianyun35351 0.5101 0 69.87%
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gy4donjwgmge 0.5054 0 69.87%
cfainstitute 0.5001 0 69.87%
g44tcnbqgmge 0.5001 0 69.87%
giftwithlove 0.5001 0 69.87%
sacredwallet 0.5001 0 69.87%
summerwar125 0.5001 0 69.87%
eosfundgroup 0.4642 0 69.87%
manorahera12 0.4443 0 69.87%
trainspoting 0.4281 0 69.87%
heydaojygmge 0.4247 0 69.87%
g43tknrzhege 0.4213 0 69.87%
meetoneeos11 0.4201 0 69.87%
iloveuwallet 0.4016 0 69.87%
333333.x 0.4002 0 69.87%
eoseosweiwei 0.4001 0 69.87%
g44dombrgige 0.4001 0 69.87%
greenzgreenz 0.4001 0 69.87%
testyao12345 0.4001 0 69.87%
ha2dsmrrgage 0.3910 0 69.87%
chinaeos5222 0.3527 0 69.87%
g4ztqnrqgmge 0.3208 0 69.87%
lovemhan1234 0.3201 0 69.87%
yuping123123 0.3201 0 69.87%
zuoshoulibai 0.3151 0 69.87%
eosofyeqiang 0.3111 0 98.79%
gyzdcmrrgage 0.3011 0 69.87%
frank2marina 0.3001 0 69.87%
lupei1231234 0.3001 0 69.87%
wukuieoseoss 0.3000 0 97.48%
cai1l2z3j4f5 0.2902 0 69.87%
caipzh152433 0.2901 0 69.87%
qiaowei12341 0.2901 0 69.87%
vincenzonum1 0.2900 0 69.87%
wangjianyu12 0.2725 0 97.00%
kamikadze44k 0.2678 0 69.87%
lhy131455555 0.2602 0 69.87%
topone111111 0.2561 0 69.87%
114aaacccmmm 0.2323 0 69.87%
chaojiedeeos 0.2278 0 69.87%
pierrebeger1 0.2200 0 98.26%
wanghui11.m 0.2200 0 97.15%
zhengxman111 0.2195 0 69.87%
gcq123gcq123 0.2147 0 69.87%
jiaxueliang1 0.2101 0 69.87%
oneandone111 0.2101 0 69.87%
wentao553311 0.2101 0 69.87%
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zxcvbnmasd12 0.2009 0 69.87%
abcdxyz54321 0.2003 0 69.87%
ge3dmmrygage 0.2002 0 69.87%
activezone52 0.2001 0 69.87%
bifengk12345 0.2001 0 69.87%
czsceternity 0.2001 0 69.87%
englishlady1 0.2001 0 69.87% 0.2001 0 69.87%
lerlerlerler 0.2001 0 69.87%
liumang12345 0.2001 0 69.87%
llr123451234 0.2001 0 69.87%
marcodin1324 0.2001 0 69.87%
marstk131452 0.2001 0 69.87%
nelsonoshi13 0.2001 0 69.87%
poiuytr11111 0.2001 0 69.87%
suweiping123 0.2001 0 69.87%
vipokex12345 0.2001 0 69.87%
xnn1314521jk 0.2001 0 69.87%
yhcgdnmeet12 0.2001 0 69.87%
yhcgdnmeet13 0.2001 0 69.87%
yhcgdnmeet14 0.2001 0 69.87%
yhcgdnmeet21 0.2001 0 69.87%
yhcgdnmeet22 0.2001 0 69.87%
yhcgdnmeet23 0.2001 0 69.87%
zhangzhilon1 0.2001 0 69.87%
zjhewy112233 0.2001 0 69.87%
zxcvbnmlp135 0.2001 0 69.87%
liuguixu1314 0.2000 0 97.61%
pragtjkce5dk 0.2000 0 97.67%
zhoubaochun1 0.2000 0 98.72%
shi512513514 0.1887 0 69.87%
afriadiafril 0.1846 0 69.87%
duanwenlong1 0.1821 0 69.87%
pratothemars 0.1801 0 69.87%
frank2mcgill 0.1742 0 69.87%
zsxwan131422 0.1690 0 69.87%
luoqiliu1234 0.1501 0 69.87% 0.1501 0 69.87%
floveyou1314 0.1451 0 69.87%
hasanhasanac 0.1308 0 69.87%
aziraiga2233 0.1301 0 69.87%
mynameiswr11 0.1301 0 69.87%
prazhiyong12 0.1216 0 94.15%
prettymarina 0.1214 0 69.87%
12345ab123aa 0.1201 0 69.87%
bigshortcfd1 0.1201 0 69.87%
lance1yobdc2 0.1201 0 69.87%
meetoneilove 0.1201 0 69.87%
liulong11.m 0.1178 0 69.87%
loveosonethz 0.1159 0 69.87%
521eos444444 0.1158 0 69.87%
eostomars111 0.1115 0 69.87%
panpanshipin 0.1113 0 69.87%
chinebeijing 0.1111 0 69.87%
taiwanlijunh 0.1111 0 69.87%
ycoin1314521 0.1109 0 69.87%
southwestcom 0.1102 0 69.87%
ag12345123ag 0.1101 0 69.87%
aiqing123451 0.1101 0 69.87%
appleeoss123 0.1101 0 69.87%
chenlulu1111 0.1101 0 69.87%
chensss12345 0.1101 0 69.87%
dahaoren3444 0.1101 0 69.87%
dengyimin123 0.1101 0 69.87%
dggfggggvggh 0.1101 0 69.87%
eosdadafafaf 0.1101 0 69.87%
eosshh123123 0.1101 0 69.87%
feilengcui15 0.1101 0 69.87%
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goooglecomcn 0.1101 0 69.87%
guanjianqi12 0.1101 0 69.87%
iamtitanium2 0.1101 0 69.87%
jxsfzlm12345 0.1101 0 69.87%
lzxcvmb12345 0.1101 0 69.87%
purplhaze.m 0.1101 0 69.87%
sulexbaron25 0.1101 0 69.87%
sunjinfengss 0.1101 0 69.87%
ttxx42311255 0.1101 0 69.87%
wwwwwwwwwweb 0.1101 0 69.87%
xiongzy12345 0.1101 0 69.87%
zhangnianwen 0.1101 0 69.87%
zhaohero1234 0.1101 0 69.87%
zkq555555555 0.1101 0 69.87%
zwjall521.m 0.1101 0 69.87%
zxcvbnmlp311 0.1101 0 69.87%
eoschengfan2 0.1100 0 98.94%
ericylz12345 0.1100 0 98.21%
liangmingjin 0.1100 0 95.40%
zhengrong235 0.1100 0 98.61%
zxcvbnmlp212 0.1100 0 98.35%
zxcvbnmlp322 0.1100 0 98.35%
myeosd133553 0.1097 0 97.88%
dlhdjjaoe135 0.1060 0 69.87%
eosiloveyou1 0.1037 0 95.92%
1bcdefg12345 0.1002 0 69.87%
csjdeos12345 0.1001 0 69.87%
fei345fei345 0.1001 0 69.87%
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eosdengdongm 0.1000 0 95.75%
wxpsxx555555 0.0903 0 69.87%
gi4daobvgene 0.0902 0 69.87%
eosico.e 0.0820 0 69.87%
eosbm.e 0.0785 0 69.87%
isaacxr52133 0.0701 0 69.87%
xyflaichishi 0.0600 0 98.70%
yangpeng1.m 0.0532 0 69.87%
333fengxinna 0.0511 0 69.87%
eosmisdow123 0.0506 0 69.87%
mik123451234 0.0501 0 69.87%
vinaseosisgd 0.0463 0 69.87%
hamingde4512 0.0454 0 69.87%
torakikieos1 0.0370 0 69.87%
gq3demigenes 0.0334 0 69.87%
luoyuqi12345 0.0331 0 69.87%
ciddeaccount 0.0301 0 69.87%
liang1212121 0.0301 0 69.87%
mylov.e 0.0301 0 69.87%
szzhx1122345 0.0301 0 69.87%
zhangqi12344 0.0237 0 69.87%
asdfghjkl551 0.0213 0 69.87%
panxuebing11 0.0210 0 98.33%
sevenre21.m 0.0206 0 69.87%
stellarstars 0.0206 0 69.87%
novameet1.m 0.0205 0 98.33%
chenguang345 0.0203 0 69.87%
wangjerrykkk 0.0203 0 69.87%
eosno1ethno1 0.0202 0 69.87%
eosxuanereos 0.0202 0 69.87%
1menghan1.m 0.0201 0 69.87%
ahuxu2112345 0.0201 0 69.87%
alanwalter11 0.0201 0 69.87%
binbinbin111 0.0201 0 69.87%
caijianguo12 0.0201 0 69.87%
czx123454321 0.0201 0 69.87%
eosleciyo111 0.0201 0 69.87%
fengyi131425 0.0201 0 69.87%
ft1112345.m 0.0201 0 69.87%
guxuemei5211 0.0201 0 69.87%
handsomet.m 0.0201 0 69.87%
jahdecfzym1d 0.0201 0 69.87%
liweiwei1234 0.0201 0 69.87%
lsczc1324.m 0.0201 0 69.87%
maodaishanid 0.0201 0 69.87%
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