Support us by voting for alohaeosprod!


Pursuing integrity and strong community

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 586
Proxied EOS: 1,533
Total EOS: 2,119
Total EOS Decay: 1,015
Total EOS Decay Percent: 47.92%
Candidate Votes: 28
Proxied Accounts: 16

Voting Philosophy

Who you are is reflected in what you do when nobody is looking, or when you think there cannot be negative consequences.


Providing freelance opportunities for trading and investing analysts

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
22 Aloha EOS US  
96 blocksmithio US  
67 costaricaeos CR  
32 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
678 cypherglasss US  
17 Detroit Ledger... US  
79 donates2eden US  
651 edenproducer US  
27 EOS Authority GB  
2 EOS Nation CA  
23 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
5 EOS Titan BG  
43 EOS42 DE  
58 EOSArgentina AR  
26 eosasia11111
61 eoscafeblock CA  
65 eosDAC CH  
69 eosDublin IE  
41 eosflareiobp US  
42 eospaceioeos CN  
4 EOSphere AU  
679 eosswedenorg SE  
3 GenerEOS AU  
16 Greymass CA  
77 hkeoshkeosbp HK  
76 NodeONE☝️ KR  
73 sheos21sheos ES  
114 vote4scatter

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
imanotherjoe 681.0002 265 38.93%
waterfallllc 394.5310 154 38.93%
myamazingeos 291.4501 272 93.50%
gi2daojtg4ge 70.0000 27 38.93%
guzdcnzqgege 28.0882 20 69.87%
ha3dinrwg4ge 20.4185 14 69.87%
guytsmjsgage 13.6503 10 69.87%
nitroblogsio 6.0001 4 69.87%
quodscripsio 6.0001 4 69.87%
expatembassy 6.0000 6 92.57%
gq4tsnjthage 5.6726 4 69.87%
gyztcmjugqge 3.7578 3 69.87%
hazdqmjsg4ge 3.0145 2 69.87%
mikadjoejohn 2.0001 1 69.87%
earthcoinapp 1.2001 1 69.87%
mohammed1511 0.0616 0 97.96%