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EOS Insider

The Ben Sigman Proxy

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 0
Proxied EOS: 2,280
Total EOS: 2,280
Total EOS Decay: 1,593
Total EOS Decay Percent: 69.88%
Candidate Votes: 30
Proxied Accounts: 3

Voting Philosophy

I vote for Block Producers who I personally witness to be a constant contribution to the EOS ecosystem. If you want EOS to be the best it can be, then proxy your votes with me.


I personally know many of the Block Producer teams from the EOS launch, EOS events, chatting with them online, and working with them daily.

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
22 Aloha EOS US  
659 auroraeoscom US  
674 blockmatrix1 GB  
32 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
678 cypherglasss US  
27 EOS Authority GB  
2 EOS Nation CA  
23 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
5 EOS Titan BG  
43 EOS42 DE  
33 EOSAmsterdam NL  
58 EOSArgentina AR  
26 eosasia11111
61 eoscafeblock CA  
7 eoscannonchn KY  
65 eosDAC CH  
69 eosDublin IE  
97 eosfishrocks BZ  
68 eosiomeetone SG  
94 eosisgravity SG  
20 eoslaomaocom
673 eosliquideos IL  
677 eosnewyorkio CK  
679 eosswedenorg SE  
672 eostribeprod US  
16 Greymass CA  
77 hkeoshkeosbp HK  
90 libertyblock CA  
73 sheos21sheos ES  
669 tokenika4eos PL  

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
bensigbensig 2,194.0002 1,533 69.87%
ge4tcmbrgmge 85.4704 60 69.87%
memtripppppp 0.2001 0 69.87%