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theEOSwriter aims to support and grow the EOS community.

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 8
Proxied EOS: 4
Total EOS: 12
Total EOS Decay: 8
Total EOS Decay Percent: 66.71%
Candidate Votes: 30
Proxied Accounts: 1

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
22 Aloha EOS US  
659 auroraeoscom US  
67 costaricaeos CR  
29 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
678 cypherglasss US  
17 Detroit Ledger... US  
26 EOS Authority GB  
3 EOS Nation CA  
23 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
5 EOS Titan BG  
57 EOS42 DE  
24 eosasia11111
86 eosBarcelona ES  
61 eoscafeblock CA  
676 eoscanadacom
62 eosDAC CH  
68 eosDublin IE  
13 EOSeoul KR  
70 eosiomeetone SG  
668 eosmetaliobp
94 eosnairobike KE  
677 eosnewyorkio CK  
4 EOSphere AU  
679 eosswedenorg SE  
72 eosvenezuela VE  
671 eosvibesbloc FR  
2 GenerEOS AU  
15 Greymass CA  
218 sanfranc1sco CK  
71 sheos21sheos ES  

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
kenny.x 4.2884 3 67.79%