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❤️🌏🚀 EOS Israel Proxy 🚀🌏❤️

Showing Love ❤️ to the BP's that Give ❤️ Back the MOST!

EOS Mainnet
账号 EOS: 12
已被代理投票数 EOS: 644
总数量 EOS: 656
总数量 EOS 衰减: 607
总数量 EOS 投票衰减百分比: 92.54%
候选人得票数量: 30
被代理投票账户的总数量: 14


We Love our Block Producers, especially the ones that give back the most to the EOS Community. We select our favorite BP's based on: Honesty, Transparency, Education, Community Engagement, Tools and DAPP Development, Event Sponsorship, Geographic Distribution, Technical Skills within the Team, and last but not least: Their long term commitment to the growth and improvement of the EOS Ecosystem as a Whole.


We are EOS Israel, an Independent EOS Community based in Israel but committed to server the global EOS Community. We are a small country and therefore a small community, but within our members you will find seasoned entrepreneurs, successful angel investors, and top-class developers. We are not afraid to discuss any subject and are open to free dialog and dealing with the hard subjects that need to be dealt with in order for EOS to become the number one Blockchain Platform in the world. This proxy is being managed by Hernan Arber in coordination with the EOS Israel community.


排名 名字 国家
22 Aloha EOS US  
95 blocksmithio US  
67 costaricaeos CR  
30 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
678 cypherglasss US  
26 EOS Authority GB  
2 EOS Nation CA  
23 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
5 EOS Titan BG  
33 EOS42 DE  
34 EOSAmsterdam NL  
58 EOSArgentina AR  
61 eoscafeblock CA  
676 eoscanadacom
10 eoscannonchn KY  
62 eosDAC CH  
68 eosDublin IE  
96 eosfishrocks BZ  
69 eosiomeetone SG  
94 eosnairobike KE  
4 EOSphere AU  
60 eosrapidprod US  
679 eosswedenorg SE  
3 GenerEOS AU  
14 Greymass CA  
64 helloeoscnbp CN  
90 libertyblock CA  
71 sheos21sheos ES  
669 tokenika4eos PL  
113 vote4scatter


EOS EOS 衰减 衰减%
guytimjqgege 509.9218 478 93.75%
cplusplusdev 56.6968 55 97.67%
g42dgmzugene 33.0400 31 92.95%
eosdaytrader 20.0001 20 97.67%
eoshernaneos 7.3212 3 34.72%
gyytoobygqge 3.2000 3 98.40%
gyytoobyhage 3.0000 3 98.69%
gyytoobzgege 3.0000 3 98.40%
eosdevdaceos 2.0000 2 97.12%
ha3demzshage 2.0000 2 98.01%
gu3tmobzgqge 1.9000 2 98.40%
ramcheramche 1.3762 1 97.99%
akbphtllbav5 0.1082 0 89.77%
xbitgenstein 0.1003 0 90.43%