请投票支持我们的节点 alohaeosprod!
EOS needs its community more than anything else. Only with a strong community and educated voters EOS can grow as a healthy network. I've been observing Block Producer Candidates for several months already and I know them quite well now. I know their philosophy but what I believe is most important is the community they create and interact with. Taking the time to build a community, to inform and help people means helping EOS to grow and this is why I will vote mainly for BPs who engaged actively in building their trust with people, building tools, dapps, running meetings and training developers. Let's not forget that decentralisation matters. If you don’t remember to vote at least once a week or if you have no time to do it, then set me ( eosnetworkxx https://eostoolkit.io/vote/setproxy ) as your proxy and I’ll make sure that your voting power goes to the right BPs.
排名 | 名字 | 国家 | |
22 | Aloha EOS | US | |
55 | certikeosorg | US | |
67 | costaricaeos | CR | |
30 | CryptoLions🦁 | UA | |
678 | cypherglasss | US | |
21 | Detroit Ledger... | US | |
26 | EOS Authority | GB | |
2 | EOS Nation | CA | |
23 | EOS Rio 💙 | BR | |
5 | EOS Titan | BG | |
40 | EOS42 | DE | |
33 | EOSAmsterdam | NL | |
58 | EOSArgentina | AR | |
61 | eoscafeblock | CA | |
62 | eosDAC | CH | |
68 | eosDublin | IE | |
46 | eosflareiobp | US | |
94 | eosnairobike | KE | |
4 | EOSphere | AU | |
59 | eosrapidprod | US | |
679 | eosswedenorg | SE | |
672 | eostribeprod | US | |
72 | eosvenezuela | VE | |
671 | eosvibesbloc | FR | |
3 | GenerEOS | AU | |
15 | Greymass | CA | |
78 | hkeoshkeosbp | HK | |
9 | Newdex | KY | |
76 | NodeONE☝️ | KR | |
71 | sheos21sheos | ES |
账号 | EOS | EOS 衰减 | 衰减% |
gi2domzzhege | 1,327.1495 | 1,299 | 97.91% |
maurilueosio | 1,079.4643 | 972 | 90.03% |
gyytqnbxhege | 986.0354 | 966 | 97.93% |
gy3timzxgige | 340.0000 | 333 | 97.93% |
gi4taobrhege | 335.2072 | 300 | 89.35% |
gy4diobtgene | 285.8891 | 257 | 89.90% |
gy3dsmzyg4ge | 250.2473 | 233 | 93.05% |
gi3dsnbzgige | 205.2023 | 201 | 98.01% |
freedom4swbb | 127.7427 | 120 | 93.67% |
rictokeneos1 | 30.0539 | 29 | 97.61% |
haztinzwgyge | 28.8662 | 27 | 94.95% |
g42tkmruguge | 25.1000 | 24 | 97.19% |
g42tmnjwhege | 21.4003 | 21 | 97.37% |
eostilettoos | 20.0200 | 20 | 98.40% |
gu2tombqgmge | 20.0000 | 19 | 94.53% |
gy3tsnbqgige | 17.4502 | 17 | 97.70% |
gyzdgojwhage | 13.2309 | 13 | 98.72% |
gu2tqnrugyge | 13.0000 | 12 | 93.50% |
cryptomassi1 | 11.9995 | 11 | 93.50% |
gezdeobwgqge | 11.4504 | 11 | 95.34% |
zannaregia33 | 10.0975 | 9 | 92.47% |
cippone12345 | 10.0035 | 10 | 97.34% |
andreasangio | 10.0000 | 10 | 98.83% |
heyteojthage | 8.7923 | 9 | 98.82% |
g44tombugage | 6.0006 | 6 | 97.76% |
gy3dkmrqgige | 5.0001 | 5 | 97.04% |
gi4tcnjzguge | 4.4001 | 4 | 92.47% |
guydgmzxgmge | 3.9186 | 4 | 96.79% |
nodialtoneos | 3.5000 | 3 | 96.52% |
caballoveloz | 3.0002 | 2 | 66.03% |
gu4tgnbxgage | 2.8891 | 3 | 89.49% |
davidescapin | 2.5000 | 2 | 94.07% |
g44dcmbygmge | 2.0002 | 2 | 98.09% |
alberteosoo1 | 2.0001 | 2 | 96.83% |
gi3dsnbwguge | 2.0001 | 2 | 78.12% |
gq4tgojvg4ge | 2.0001 | 2 | 78.12% |
elratonperez | 2.0000 | 2 | 98.28% |
g44dqnjrgage | 2.0000 | 2 | 98.70% |
gu3diojwgige | 2.0000 | 2 | 97.99% |
gy3dgobyhage | 2.0000 | 2 | 98.21% |
udtqcssondud | 2.0000 | 2 | 93.23% |
g42denbqgige | 1.9982 | 2 | 97.00% |
nodialtonew1 | 1.5000 | 1 | 98.54% |
nodialtonew2 | 1.5000 | 1 | 98.54% |
reginaldeos1 | 1.3078 | 1 | 96.03% |
rictokenciao | 1.2000 | 1 | 97.61% |
walletzzzzzz | 1.0672 | 1 | 97.44% |
guzdqmrtguge | 1.0000 | 1 | 94.07% |
scseoswallet | 1.0000 | 1 | 97.44% |
sempanankace | 1.0000 | 1 | 98.40% |
ha4tgobxgqge | 0.8774 | 1 | 97.44% |
hk4brgbvj.gm | 0.7059 | 0 | 5.19% |
danielsaneos | 0.5000 | 0 | 97.41% |
g4ydamjvguge | 0.4110 | 0 | 98.07% |
ha3danjyguge | 0.4000 | 0 | 98.01% |
miki34eos21b | 0.3961 | 0 | 96.88% |
nodialtonew3 | 0.3600 | 0 | 98.54% |
nodialtonew4 | 0.3600 | 0 | 98.54% |
brignobrigno | 0.2000 | 0 | 93.91% |
brignowallet | 0.2000 | 0 | 97.67% |
eosmybiglove | 0.2000 | 0 | 97.67% |
haytqnbuhege | 0.1403 | 0 | 97.88% |
gu3tqnjrgage | 0.1389 | 0 | 92.76% |
nodialtonew5 | 0.1100 | 0 | 98.54% |
danieledgers | 0.1001 | 0 | 93.67% |
account1amtr | 0.1000 | 0 | 98.65% |
gu3timbtgyge | 0.1000 | 0 | 93.58% |
randomplayer | 0.1000 | 0 | 98.48% |
ori123ori123 | 0.0649 | 0 | 97.88% |
gqytimjrgage | 0.0500 | 0 | 93.58% |
caligolagenn | 0.0201 | 0 | 93.67% |
xgenius1ocix | 0.0200 | 0 | 96.33% |
eosgermantop | 0.0040 | 0 | 97.48% |
giydinjwgyge | 0.0001 | 0 | 92.57% |