请投票支持我们的节点 alohaeosprod!



EOS Mainnet
账号 EOS: 5
已被代理投票数 EOS: 239
总数量 EOS: 244
总数量 EOS 衰减: 129
总数量 EOS 投票衰减百分比: 53.07%
候选人得票数量: 22
被代理投票账户的总数量: 48


As the cornerstone of the EOS main network, BPs should be the one of democracy and chosen by all token holders. However, as the BPs campaign develops, we find that this so-called democracy is actually entrapped by capital. Whales play a decisive role in BPs ranking, and the exchanges misappropriate users EOS for voting and trade votes by making interest alliances with some BPs. In this case, smaller voters can change nothing with their votes.


EOSONE is a blockchain eco-community with a large number of enthusiasts of blockchains and EOS. We aim to speak for users and promote the EOS ecosystem by
tracking and exposing the voting secrets between exchanges, BPs and whales. We do not need an endorsement from famous people, and do not need the capital to stand by us. We firmly endorse for smaller voters and let them share the EOS dividend. Our declaration is: not for the capital, but for the facts!


排名 名字 国家
670 acroeos12345 KR  
35 bitfinexeos1
68 costaricaeos CR  
27 EOS Authority GB  
2 EOS Nation CA  
23 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
6 EOS Titan BG  
41 EOS42 DE  
57 EOSArgentina AR  
26 eosasia11111
676 eoscanadacom
65 eosDAC CH  
70 eosDublin IE  
9 EOSeoul KR  
677 eosnewyorkio CK  
4 EOSphere AU  
40 eossv12eossv US  
672 eostribeprod US  
119 eosunion1111
91 eosyskoreabp KR  
16 Greymass CA  
98 oraclegogogo CN  


EOS EOS 衰减 衰减%
gy3dgmjugqge 40.4166 0 0.00%
zzmygelcsa12 40.2002 0 0.00%
godbless4eos 39.1100 38 98.33%
sanfank12345 15.0002 0 0.00%
hhilyquerida 11.0002 0 0.00%
queridahhily 11.0001 11 97.93%
imchinapanda 10.1101 10 97.76%
4444444zhang 10.0001 10 97.93%
liujiabin521 8.0000 8 95.75%
ha2tkmrwhage 7.7000 8 98.90%
eosjianzheng 6.0001 6 95.52%
wnscks111333 5.1000 5 98.87%
eosbangbangd 4.8200 5 98.95%
gu3dgnbtgige 3.6415 4 97.57%
daqiangeos11 2.7000 3 98.77%
guydkmrtgage 2.5001 2 98.31%
hijuneorange 2.4001 2 93.14%
eosflytobank 2.1000 2 98.94%
pandafangame 2.0200 2 97.85%
linjie123455 1.5000 1 98.26%
135linzhipin 1.4965 1 98.95%
fanzhenweieo 1.2000 1 98.58%
huigewuji111 1.2000 1 98.79%
prajjmqyxcfz 1.1536 1 97.76%
dramaticlife 1.0000 1 98.85%
eostopsoneos 1.0000 1 98.95%
hazdmmrxgege 0.9178 1 98.95%
gm3diobwgmge 0.9002 1 93.32%
eosweiweiwei 0.6900 1 97.51%
dongpo321123 0.5202 0 94.60%
aliceanjason 0.5200 1 98.35%
asdf2ghjk3l4 0.5000 0 98.35%
linjie333333 0.5000 0 98.56%
adawfawf1234 0.4150 0 97.85%
superhuangjz 0.2500 0 98.91%
cornucopiabm 0.2427 0 98.33%
alibabaiseos 0.2200 0 98.33%
matthew55555 0.2000 0 98.90%
gu4tgnbqgige 0.1709 0 98.99%
guccieos4444 0.1500 0 98.72%
eoseoseoslin 0.1240 0 98.35%
lakalaka4444 0.1224 0 97.19%
alibabaeosis 0.1215 0 98.33%
mangocurryok 0.1100 0 98.35%
naneos521521 0.1000 0 18.12%
eosluozhenyu 0.0795 0 98.52%
everyonegods 0.0338 0 95.81%
prabmalibaba 0.0206 0 98.56%