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Doing what's best for EOSIO Community & ecosystem!

EOS Mainnet
账号 EOS: 0
已被代理投票数 EOS: 55,248
总数量 EOS: 55,248
总数量 EOS 衰减: 3
总数量 EOS 投票衰减百分比: 0.01%
候选人得票数量: 26
被代理投票账户的总数量: 49


I communicate to all community worldwide, including BP and all community members. Based on my active participating experience in governance, I will choose right BPs with strong technological development capabilities for the highest standards and community development. 저는 전세계 모든 커뮤니티 구성원, BP을 비롯한 모든 커뮤니티에 소통을 하고 있습니다. 거버넌스의 적극적인 참여 경험을 바탕으로, 최고의 수준과 커뮤니티의 발전을 위해 개발과 기술 발전역량이 강한 올바른 BP들을 선택할것 입니다.


EOS Acknowledgments “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”The EOS Acknowledgments list is a manifestation of the ongoing process of giving public credit to important EOS contributors. It will be updated regularly over the coming months and years. http://www.eosacknowledgments.io ( Community Evolution, 社区发展推动, 커뮤니티 성장 ) Almost every community members and always try to find something for the development of the community. One of the most long-standing contributors of the Korean EOS community, acknowledged on the EOS genesis block. A board member of KEOSA(Korean EOS Token Holders' Association) and a genesis custodian of Vigor Protocol Project. My dream is to help transform Korea a blockchain-enabled country. https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/members/maxmaxmaxmac


排名 名字 国家
22 Aloha EOS US  
32 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
17 Detroit Ledger... US  
27 EOS Authority GB  
2 EOS Nation CA  
23 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
19 EOS Support US  
6 EOS Titan BG  
41 EOS42 DE  
33 EOSAmsterdam NL  
57 EOSArgentina AR  
26 eosasia11111
64 eoscafeblock CA  
12 eoscannonchn KY  
70 eosDublin IE  
9 EOSeoul KR  
675 eosgcpbpacct US  
20 eoslaomaocom
4 EOSphere AU  
60 eosrapidprod US  
75 eosvenezuela VE  
3 GenerEOS AU  
16 Greymass CA  


EOS EOS 衰减 衰减%
gyytinruhege 36,976.7008 0 0.00%
rlaqhdls1212 13,217.4608 0 0.00%
haytoojygege 2,628.9884 0 0.00%
gu4tmmbygmge 809.4397 0 0.00%
kimheewallet 413.5177 0 0.00%
gu4dsojuhege 233.4671 0 0.00%
ha3timzxgage 174.0404 0 0.00%
damiprincess 147.4111 0 0.00%
junwoowallet 145.7957 0 0.00%
kss.gm 122.6625 0 0.00%
manermakeman 108.7008 0 0.00%
minsungsik11 61.2386 0 0.00%
gm3tcobqgege 61.0938 0 0.00%
charrrcharrr 16.5621 0 0.00%
gy2dmnbwhege 16.3144 0 0.00%
gmztonrrhege 15.5508 0 0.00%
myroadwallet 14.2129 0 0.00%
myexecwallet 13.9163 0 0.00%
tf.gm 12.6357 0 0.00%
gu3dombqgmge 10.8823 0 0.00%
brainmass.gm 10.5032 0 0.00%
cybercurator 9.5204 0 0.00%
gy2dknjtg4ge 5.7308 0 0.00%
haydambwgage 3.2617 0 0.00%
luckyrich.gm 3.1768 0 0.00%
gu3dknjuhage 2.2767 0 0.00%
eos.gm 2.0595 0 0.00%
winnersky111 2.0164 0 0.00%
g42tinrzg4ge 1.8540 0 0.00%
genesis33333 1.6624 0 0.00%
kwonkwonmin5 1.0003 0 31.15%
happywithamy 1.0002 0 31.15%
1xe4vwkvzpiu 0.6703 0 69.87%
coffeeman123 0.5000 0 98.01%
bullishkimys 0.4894 0 69.87%
eoskimys.gm 0.4396 0 69.87%
bornagain.gm 0.2387 0 69.87%
prostaffbt11 0.2242 0 69.87%
gyytknjqgige 0.2012 0 69.06%
boradori4323 0.2009 0 69.87%
parksecheol3 0.2003 0 69.87%
goodaoddlsxo 0.2000 0 97.19%
aussiessam15 0.1101 0 69.87%
maxmaxmaxful 0.1000 0 98.31%
emmapersempr 0.0513 0 69.87%
changwoon.gm 0.0017 0 69.87%
ledlightmilo 0.0003 0 69.87%
gu4tkobtg4ge 0.0002 0 69.87%
jwloveje2.gm 0.0002 0 69.87%