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EOS Mainnet
账号 EOS: 1
已被代理投票数 EOS: 664,318
总数量 EOS: 664,319
总数量 EOS 衰减: 42,916
总数量 EOS 投票衰减百分比: 6.46%
候选人得票数量: 30
被代理投票账户的总数量: 268


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排名 名字 国家
7 big.one JP  
1 binancestake KY  
35 bitfinexeos1
24 blockpooleos
10 Defibox BP KY  
17 Detroit Ledger... US  
37 Dex223 DAO US  
2 EOS Nation CA  
19 EOS Support US  
6 EOS Titan BG  
26 eosasia11111
51 eosbixinboot
12 eoscannonchn KY  
9 EOSeoul KR  
15 eosflytomars JP  
31 eosinfstones
28 eoslambdacom
20 eoslaomaocom
34 eosnewfuture JP  
4 EOSphere AU  
8 Everstake UA  
3 GenerEOS AU  
16 Greymass CA  
13 hashfin SG  
55 kikifinance1
5 Newdex KY  
14 starteosiobp


EOS EOS 衰减 衰减%
dmc.gm 153,885.2398 2,038 1.32%
gy2dcmzugmge 142,712.1586 1,890 1.32%
tenzorucoins 121,299.8064 3,191 2.63%
gi2tmnjrguge 82,067.9483 3,217 3.92%
ybw.mlt 40,623.2294 0 0.00%
mungkami.gm 24,134.5664 0 0.00%
gyzdkmzxguge 15,002.0708 199 1.32%
yooseah11111 15,002.0708 199 1.32%
yooseah22222 15,002.0707 199 1.32%
lxde1jp4j5iy 9,589.0009 8,621 89.90%
edwardchunga 8,731.3101 3,399 38.93%
mylovejshjcy 4,563.4742 2,720 59.60%
kuikuieeooss 3,616.0200 3,520 97.34%
surviveeosio 3,271.5211 1,274 38.93%
suuuppeeerrr 3,050.2000 2,417 79.26%
guzdgnzwhage 2,298.6494 0 0.00%
gm2tsnzugmge 1,844.6758 641 34.72%
grettahinoaz 1,704.6085 664 38.93%
smileannaeos 1,400.8830 545 38.93%
sparschwein1 1,161.0848 46 3.92%
kandm.hufi 1,004.6465 747 74.32%
crystallover 893.5586 58 6.45%
ksmtothemoon 875.3999 824 94.15%
coinerweber1 788.8567 10 1.32%
joseamm.gm 664.7454 9 1.32%
ha4dsmjvgege 623.5583 588 94.31%
jesuspaateos 592.1595 427 72.19%
jackmeicash1 577.2100 547 94.81%
herreraateos 502.8169 332 66.03%
ixorexxxxxxx 498.4002 271 54.45%
aczhjy123321 469.7341 324 69.06%
gizdimjrgige 416.1469 306 73.63%
carlossateos 370.9466 274 73.98%
ljwtothemoon 339.2645 132 38.93%
gezdmnryg4ge 332.5058 315 94.60%
arthurgateos 318.9296 236 73.98%
davidjrateos 301.9151 223 73.98%
ha3damjtgage 275.0284 18 6.45%
jjbtothegold 264.9227 103 38.93%
dannyceateos 245.6961 182 73.98%
goldstandard 232.9597 9 3.92%
gmzdanrsgige 201.2074 196 97.30%
fangwangjing 200.0002 195 97.30%
cjygothegold 197.6284 185 93.41%
buy.mlt 184.2725 136 73.98%
preferansist 165.0955 137 83.02%
cindyriateos 148.8945 110 73.98%
danyab.mlt 129.9999 96 73.98%
jess.hufi 122.7499 90 73.63%
gizdombsgage 119.3558 88 73.63%
ac1zvqtrbvdd 102.1295 20 19.21%
lifei.x 100.0000 76 75.66%
gmytqmzvguge 80.6354 59 73.63%
gm4domrugige 77.2054 57 73.63%
yangxingyue1 55.0102 52 94.67%
emmanuelgeos 50.2984 37 73.98%
cjh112233.m 50.0402 49 97.93%
usha.mlt 40.5772 30 74.32%
eosaidchains 37.8411 33 86.28%
firstpaydapp 36.3001 34 94.31%
g4zdgmbwgmge 32.1901 30 92.86%
gmzdenjqgage 30.5190 22 73.63%
gu3temzqgqge 27.3609 14 51.32%
fredz.mlt 25.9633 19 73.98%
kasperkasper 24.6387 13 52.60%
fartpoopeos1 23.0383 22 96.33%
gw14124lanah 22.3513 21 93.41%
tli2g5ev3w55 21.2989 6 26.40%
gi2tinbthage 20.5135 18 88.61%
eosjinyeihua 20.1817 18 91.39%
krystleateos 20.0000 9 46.55%
mazhen121121 19.4001 16 83.46%
gizdombtgyge 18.0482 13 73.63%
eosguozw1234 17.7655 17 94.88%
moneymaxwell 15.0001 15 97.73%
gy2tqnjwgege 14.0000 13 93.41%
xuxiaorong11 13.0001 12 93.58%
nondivineeos 12.8455 1 3.92%
jasperwallet 12.7201 12 95.81%
passionfig12 11.1000 2 21.33%
haydsmbthage 11.0000 11 97.30%
guzdsobqgmge 10.9991 11 96.70%
gq4tcnrwhege 9.5011 8 84.94%
wenzhangeoss 8.9916 8 93.14%
haydamztguge 8.2001 8 95.40%
satanittelos 8.0000 3 34.72%
luckyusereos 7.3940 7 97.73%
eosb55555555 6.9466 6 91.51%
asokaruby525 6.2004 6 98.04%
gi2dqmjzhege 6.2000 6 96.23%
cpaja52neszw 6.1035 6 94.31%
ge2dsmbxgage 6.0000 6 94.81%
gizdimjqhage 5.7936 4 67.79%
gyytkojtgene 5.6681 5 96.23%
eosguozhenwe 5.4995 5 91.39%
g44dknbqgene 5.4952 2 42.10%
sonjeongminc 5.1999 5 92.37%
gu4tamrvg4ge 5.1205 5 97.15%
bbbbbbbbcoin 5.0101 5 90.80%
geytknzxguge 4.9952 5 92.86%
g4ydinbvhege 4.8213 5 97.30%
txhtxhtxhtxh 4.7200 5 97.44%
i12shengxiao 4.1887 2 50.00%
online.game 4.0001 4 96.33%
eoss11111111 3.5078 3 91.51%
geydsnzzgene 3.4682 3 94.60%
linchen12345 3.3975 3 91.62%
elip.mlt 3.1161 2 73.98%
shiyiling.tp 3.0102 3 97.79%
isaacvanegas 3.0003 1 38.93%
alysacyminer 3.0000 2 50.00%
eosiochengyu 3.0000 3 96.66%
ha3dimrtgene 2.9947 3 93.83%
rigcruzateos 2.7451 2 57.96%
nebulablocks 2.7301 2 90.43%
bg.mlt 2.4939 1 55.06%
gq2tamzthage 2.3994 1 56.24%
themagichour 2.3502 2 73.28%
xuanxiaomaoa 2.2201 2 87.83%
eosforpocket 2.1994 1 32.96%
eos123zgb123 2.0014 2 91.51%
eos555eos111 2.0011 2 92.67%
ge4tsnbzgene 2.0002 1 67.36%
eosismybuddy 2.0000 1 57.39%
praxiaofei12 2.0000 2 95.58%
liuxinlunaa3 1.9999 2 97.61%
sonusinghhhh 1.9702 2 97.00%
kesaritooooo 1.8686 2 93.58%
jiangjianguo 1.7809 2 94.60%
praguo123eos 1.7005 2 91.51%
jyh123454321 1.5000 1 91.39%
gezdenjzgqge 1.4479 1 94.00%
he4dqmbsgene 1.4475 1 75.66%
stakerewards 1.4001 1 95.97%
babyismylove 1.3904 1 95.40%
eoswinesz.tp 1.3101 1 97.73%
stleoshodler 1.2641 1 56.82%
kuikuieoseos 1.2000 1 97.08%
andremorel12 1.1440 1 86.46%
konohironori 1.0567 1 93.41%
zhangxinghui 1.0118 1 94.60%
zackzackzack 1.0060 1 72.92%
pranay.gm 1.0018 1 72.19%
ls.gm 1.0002 0 32.06%
alysacytan23 1.0001 1 59.06%
cbdreviews4u 1.0001 1 98.17%
fastexchange 1.0000 1 96.75%
fastexfastex 1.0000 1 96.75%
fstxfstxfstx 1.0000 1 96.75%
imthecrazygm 1.0000 1 97.76%
koteosmoskva 1.0000 1 94.67%
liberalibera 1.0000 1 96.75%
ha4dcmzrgage 0.8501 1 93.58%
iamkushagra1 0.8408 1 97.76%
xiaomumu2121 0.8000 1 93.75%
sayhello2eos 0.7001 0 43.63%
dezhoupukein 0.6113 1 93.32%
brucewayneio 0.6002 1 93.14%
porschejiu11 0.6001 1 94.53%
hazdinjsgmge 0.5722 1 91.95%
beautifulady 0.5203 0 95.81%
cpu.game 0.5000 0 93.75%
eoswalletusa 0.4996 0 63.69%
eoszyzy2yr15 0.4710 0 98.17%
cryptokid444 0.4701 0 35.59%
alissankarim 0.4511 0 96.70%
leobardojrl2 0.4251 0 93.50%
arancia.hufi 0.4220 0 79.53%
mandorla.mlt 0.4220 0 79.53%
eosgameio444 0.4200 0 98.04%
ha2tkmjugage 0.4100 0 93.58%
mimi.game 0.4038 0 94.23%
cain11111111 0.3802 0 95.28%
eosupplywita 0.3800 0 98.12%
root.tp 0.3580 0 72.19%
ha3tiobxgmge 0.3429 0 94.38%
applelulu413 0.3008 0 94.88%
bfrykkgfyhfr 0.2900 0 97.12%
bqjlffbyybyz 0.2900 0 95.81%
ertyuiopyccv 0.2900 0 97.12%
lkjhgfdsrtyu 0.2900 0 97.12%
hellomyf.mlt 0.2797 0 79.53%
jiakun111111 0.2544 0 97.64%
amareos12345 0.2500 0 97.67%
weixinforeos 0.2201 0 95.70%
ycwoyizhizai 0.2162 0 95.92%
eosshopstore 0.2001 0 95.02%
ge2denbsgige 0.2001 0 86.09%
1eosexchange 0.2000 0 96.75%
arbitragedex 0.2000 0 96.75%
artseeker.tp 0.2000 0 31.15%
bitconneeect 0.2000 0 96.83%
blckchainlab 0.2000 0 96.75%
blockchainme 0.2000 0 96.75%
blockchainua 0.2000 0 96.75%
consensuslab 0.2000 0 96.75%
depexchange1 0.2000 0 96.75%
dexarbitrage 0.2000 0 96.75%
eosblocktean 0.2000 0 97.44%
eosmoviehome 0.2000 0 95.02%
haytonzsg4ge 0.2000 0 92.95%
onesecondeos 0.2000 0 96.75%
skilledineos 0.2000 0 96.75%
trungkien333 0.2000 0 32.96%
mnjuhgbnbghy 0.1900 0 97.12%
gy2dsmjtgige 0.1454 0 78.41%
g42denjrhege 0.1420 0 97.44%
guzhouyiheng 0.1101 0 97.08%
tomli5555555 0.1001 0 95.46%
ebanatebanat 0.1000 0 96.75%
eos333333zjg 0.1000 0 95.97%
liuzongyang1 0.1000 0 91.16%
madness.hufi 0.1000 0 74.66%
seapeatwerso 0.1000 0 98.17%
kucoin33.mlt 0.0953 0 79.53%
zhutongxuesq 0.0934 0 94.15%
haytkmbwg4ge 0.0747 0 87.33%
lzz222222.m 0.0701 0 96.23%
bvfgjikonkhh 0.0400 0 97.12%
ccbnjhgujjnm 0.0400 0 97.12%
sssrrreeettt 0.0400 0 97.08%
po155mpo155m 0.0379 0 93.23%
amriadits123 0.0369 0 89.35%
ha2tsnzqhege 0.0301 0 96.70%
g43tanrrgqge 0.0300 0 93.83%
duhuoxu13145 0.0282 0 97.08%
hazaharublad 0.0265 0 15.91%
yzyingwyr.m 0.0210 0 98.09%
eosffflllmmm 0.0201 0 93.32%
greenapple23 0.0200 0 97.85%
pzb111111111 0.0200 0 97.70%
jinshazhou11 0.0199 0 97.64%
j1ku43ly51ii 0.0105 0 98.12%
eosioeosios3 0.0102 0 96.61%
undertakerik 0.0101 0 86.99%
vipgametopay 0.0101 0 97.08%
eossolutions 0.0100 0 94.60%
xxxxyyyyxxxx 0.0100 0 94.60%
gu3tknjqhege 0.0083 0 0.00%
g5551qazxsw2 0.0019 0 87.16%
sssssssskiss 0.0011 0 96.13%
samwookie.tp 0.0010 0 97.00%
xueqiueos321 0.0010 0 93.32%
aliciawallet 0.0003 0 95.97%
newdexglobal 0.0003 0 95.92%
huangfeihong 0.0002 0 95.92%
xiaoguang333 0.0002 0 95.75%
12345jwhwgwg 0.0001 0 94.60%
abcdefg33215 0.0001 0 97.04%
banktangming 0.0001 0 94.31%
chenxingqi12 0.0001 0 97.44%
gi4tmmbqg4ge 0.0001 0 71.05%
gkvduf1mf.gm 0.0001 0 33.85%
gyztqnbqgege 0.0001 0 86.09%
haomeijun111 0.0001 0 97.61%
icemjsicemjs 0.0001 0 94.31%
irbzdiat2wzx 0.0001 0 96.96%
jangseokmin2 0.0001 0 58.51%
janush.gm 0.0001 0 15.91%
jeonggeun.gm 0.0001 0 6.45%
jsblockchain 0.0001 0 89.63%
qwhytqjx1234 0.0001 0 96.96%
ryin52rita52 0.0001 0 89.77%
sandiegocoin 0.0001 0 74.32%
unicorngirls 0.0001 0 97.15%
wxafffffffff 0.0001 0 94.60%
zeng22222222 0.0001 0 93.32%
zfractal.mlt 0.0001 0 73.98%