请投票支持我们的节点 alohaeosprod!

Pragma Voting

Turning intent into structured action

EOS Mainnet
账号 EOS: 20
已被代理投票数 EOS: 8,574
总数量 EOS: 8,594
总数量 EOS 衰减: 2
总数量 EOS 投票衰减百分比: 0.02%
候选人得票数量: 30
被代理投票账户的总数量: 7


EOS is a complex ecosystem and the current state of block producers reflects the relatively young age of the blockchain. We feel that many BPs are overlooking the wide range of challenges that will inevitably rise up as the network gains mass adoption. Our intent is to favor BPs that will focus on a bare metal infrastructure along with the technical personnel required to operate it. BPs that are detrimental to the network due to unaddressed performance problems won't be considered in our voting pool. Other concerns include geographical spread, transparency, exchange voting cartels, government censorship. Ultimately, our goal is to solidify EOS's position as a mean to secure life, liberty, and property.


Pragma Voting's members are experienced software developers, network experts, and computer security specialists. We are all EOS enthusiasts and are determined to contribute to the success of this impressive project by continually learning and adjusting our methods accordingly.


排名 名字 国家
670 acroeos12345 KR  
22 Aloha EOS US  
674 blockmatrix1 GB  
32 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
678 cypherglasss US  
27 EOS Authority GB  
2 EOS Nation CA  
23 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
6 EOS Titan BG  
41 EOS42 DE  
33 EOSAmsterdam NL  
57 EOSArgentina AR  
26 eosasia11111
78 eosbeijingbp JP  
51 eosbixinboot
64 eoscafeblock CA  
676 eoscanadacom
97 eosgenblockp IS  
20 eoslaomaocom
673 eosliquideos IL  
679 eosswedenorg SE  
672 eostribeprod US  
669 eosvibesbloc FR  
16 Greymass CA  
89 libertyblock CA  
98 oraclegogogo CN  
74 sheos21sheos ES  
671 tokenika4eos PL  


EOS EOS 衰减 衰减%
tombradyring 7,390.5558 0 0.00%
gq2tcmzzgqge 1,160.6385 0 0.00%
libertycbeos 20.0003 0 0.00%
hearn.e 1.2631 1 69.87%
gu4tanrqgage 1.0003 1 69.87%
crystalhuman 0.2561 0 69.87%
ha4dcnbug4ge 0.0002 0 69.87%